Sunday, September 18, 2016

Having it "All"...from a working mother of 2 little boys

"Having it All"...

Here's what that looks like in my current world. Although I say having it all, I don't feel like I have it all - yet. For a lot of people it may look like I have it all on the outside but those people must not know me very well.

Don't get me wrong, I know how much I have. I have worked hard up to this point to get where I am. I have the family I've always wanted, a steady high paying job that's most of the time rewarding, a successful career and I'm not even 40 yet. I have a fantastic handsome husband who's talented in art and music, parents and sisters who love me and even great in-laws. It sounds like a storybook life. Most days I crash from exhaustion rather than, oh my - puke running down my sweater and onto my pants from my four-month-old. As I talk to Siri on my iPhone trying to write this blog and hold him with my other hand, I have to laugh to myself at my dedication.

I digress, I have always been the type of person who was internally motivated without needing someone to push me along. If anyone said that I couldn't do something, I figured out a way to do it anyways. My mom always lived the opposite, safe and without risks. I wished she would have lived her life to the fullest because I know it would've been better for her and maybe she wouldn't have taken her own life last year. Now my dad is left alone after 50 years of being with the same woman, whom he loved it through and through.

But this blog is about me and how the things in my life affected where I plan on going in this short lifetime.

My husband and I have two little boys that are the light of our lives and we are finally going to go for our dreams. We are going to open an art gallery and photography studio. My husband is going to pursue his music dream and we don't have a back-up plan. I almost feel like having one would mean we think we're going to fail.

Agilent picnic!

So I had a nightmare, my second one since my mom died. Was very vivid. I think it's because I had crab on our pizza last night. I won't go into details but it involved death, things in the closet trying to rattle the doors to get out and levitation.

4/19/16 - update 


Me and Cash
After seeing a psychic with both of my sisters in March, and each having private readings, I still do not feel any closer to having any answers about my mother's death last year. But I do feel reassured that we will sell our house and move forward with our art and music careers. Things have been going fairly smooth for me although I'm exhausted, especially when Ty pees in his bed at 4am and Cash wants to breast feed every few hours. Not to mention I'm working just as hard at my day job mentoring someone new, working on multiple projects simultaneously, and still trying to keep up with my art career with the few spare morsels of energy I have left. 


Christian is working hard on his music career and may have found an excellent drummer. I would not be surprised if he got signed to a label with this new material. He stays home with the boys all day so things can be pretty crazy.


Nicole Royer Art Gallery in Wilmington, DE
Hopefully things will be changing for all of us very soon as we prep our house for the market. We hope to make enough profit to open an Art gallery!!! 


So Cash's baptism is on Sunday and Ty's birthday is next weekend. My sister Lori and my dad are coming to visit and it should be a good time. Thank God the weather is turning over to Spring and we have been able to get out in the fresh air! Volleyball starts shortly and I hope my wrists and back are up for the challenge.

Well, got to go. The gyno will be coming into the room shortly. Lol 

8/17/16 – Update

I was brave enough to take both boys (now 3 years old and 9 ½ months) to Lock Haven, PA from Wilmington, DE by myself, driving 4 hours each way on the highways.  Ty is “potty-trained” so this is challenge # 1.  Thank God for rest stops with Family bathrooms!  Challenge # 2 is getting out the door packing for only 24 hours – went off without a hitch!  Challenge # 3 is keeping everyone fed and comfortable enough to withstand an enclosed car in 95 degree heat.  We did pretty well – only a few meltdowns for thirst.  I have to say another Thank God for DVD players in cars.   

Captain America hugging Dad before his photo shoot
9/18/16 - Update

As I finally publish months of thoughts on this subject "Having it All", things haven't changed much except my outlook is a little brighter. Christian recorded his 9 song album with awesome material and great musicians, he got a big photography job and we have an open house date scheduled! 

Ty has painted a few more pieces for his collection and I have used his leftover paint color choices to spark more inspiration for me.  Cash hasn't started to paint yet but we will start soon!
I have begun posting videos about my Artwork to YouTube and Facebook after reading this book by Gary Vaynderchuk (#ASKGARYVEE). 

LINK to Video # 1:

I hope to bring more visitors to my sites!  If you like my work and my blog, please share with your friends & family!

Testing some chalk colors - by Tiberius Kaye